

I've got a lot of love for Kyoto, such a super great place.... You can walk two a breast which greatly decreases the chance of mis-comms (a girlfriend or boyfriend getting frustrated with the other because they couldn't hear/understand what the other was saying..... I've had some trouble with mis-comms in 'single file cities' in the past....). There is a huge long list of cutie cafes that serve super yummy set lunches. It holds my favourite bookstore of all time, Keibunsha. You can spend a lovely sunny day riding a mamachari along Kamo River...... and you can shop all of the Tokyo big store treats (Tomorrowland, Ships, United Arrows, A.P.C, Angers and most importantly the Mina Perhonen 3 floors of bliss on Kimachi-dori! - I'll do a separate post on just how much bliss I experienced a bit later....)

I thought I'd start things off with some general round the town snaps.

sun smart kids on Kamo River

rain on the way

out the window of uniqlo

sneaky lunchtime lunges


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