

cafe habana  everything bagel with cream cheese, the worst pretzel of the trip whole foods knows how to take care of me  hotel room salads chipotle momofuku milkbar cereal milk ice cream and compost cookie brooklyn flea market snacks from asia dogs and lobster roll from chelsea market the meatball shop and creamy soda float brown rice sushi, peanut butter and jelly donut, pretzel roll and buttermilk biscuit. ginormous diner salad and sandwich  totto ramen momofuku noodle bar chilli noodles and ramen grimaldi's pizza and dirty deli pizza more chipotle and shake shack dough donuts at brooklyn flea new york burger company... I like me some condiments... momofuku pork buns whole foods cookie sesh x 2 bareburger brooklyn PB/J bagel dunwell vegan donuts complimentary chocolates and magnolia bakery magic slice   more PB/J bagel dirty bird buttermilk fried chicken lula's apothecary vegan icecream meatloaf hero at rye in brooklyn


Alex Watson said...

Oh. My. God. It just kept going and going. I want some of everything!

Prudence said...

It was all so freakin delish Alex..... I want to go back!

Belinda said...

Oh my GOD! I remember all of my holidays by the food. This is a fantastic selection. Isn't Wholefoods the BEST?

Did you bring any food home? And will there be a report on other experiences/purchases?

Have you totally weaned yourself off instagram now? ;)

Louisa said...

Epic! Belated congratulations on your wedding! Looks like a swell way to honeymoon.

Prudence said...

@Belinda I could sink my whole-salary in to whole-foods... didn't bring anything back though wish I'd bought some cinnamon puffins back (delicious cereal)... and YES, in the process of putting together a '3 weeks of shopping bliss' then a '3 weeks of straight up bliss'... also will be back on instagram don't you worry...
@Lousia Thank you miss! t'was swell..

Julia said...

I'm missing a lot of those foods - mostly bagels, pb&j donut and meatball co. The only thing I love more than NY food is NY shopping. So awesome photos all round!

Julia said...

Oh god, chipotle....

John said...

PB n J all the way! Far out, its hard to pick favorites... maybe the ice cream cone with LGs smiling and corn flakes?

I loved it.

First time visiting, by the way.

Prudence said...

@John.... JP is that you!!??

Prudence said...

@Julia HELLO.... how are things back in melbs?? would love to see you.. maybe with lyndal and january one day??

Julia said...

Things are ok, it's hard to re-adjust. I'm up for a visit. I've just started fulltime work but I'll work something out with L

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